Skinny Leg, by Jenny Lin
Jenny Lin is launching her new pop-up book Skinny Leg during the conference Comics and Medicine: Navigating the Margins, in Toronto. Lin's book narrates her experience of being run over by a truck while biking and the subsequent recuperation, blending clinical descriptions with personal accounts. According to Lin, "what is revealed is the strangeness and banality of the
experience as well as the mutability of memory."
Each book was meticulously made by hand and there are only 25 copies available.
More about the book (including more beautiful images) on Jenny Lin's website.
Lin also published a zine version of Skinny Leg (a softcover book without pop-ups). You can buy it here.
Talk and book launch:
Comics and Medicine: Navigating the Margins
University of Toronto
155 College Street
Monday July 23, 3:30 pm
Open to conference attendees